Opeyemi Kazeem-Jimoh

Old Map Style

One particularly interesting arm of cartography is historical cartography. The fact that elements and methods used in historical hand drawn maps can now be replicated in GIS software is indeed exciting. Although there is the option of creating them from scratch in graphic design software's such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape, there are numerous libraries in the public domain from which one can adopt templates and symbology in the old map style to be used in own projects. and one such library was utilized here.

This map showcases the physical features of the landscape of Lagos Nigeria. Particularly prominent are the mainland to the west and island to the east separated by the Lagos Lagoon. About 17% of Lagos is composed of lagoons and waterways, hence the reason for its local moniker being Eko Aromisa Legbelegbe (Lagos of Aquatic Splendor!)

Reference and tools
  • Map created in: ArcGIS Pro
  • Design Software: InkScape
  • Data Source: OpenStreetMap
  • Vintage Symbology: Bc. David CIHÁK Diploma thesis courtesy Palacky University, Olomouc.